A series of reports for NBI: “Just Transition and Climate Pathways Study for South Africa“.
Farm Design designed a tool developed by Southern Africa Food Lab for WWF. This step-by-step guide aims to aid urban policy makers to think about food security in a systematic way. Read more…
FEDUSA published Climate Change Policy documents for its members as starting points in discussion to reach a consensus position.
Farm Design designed Open AIR’s website to showcase the work of its members internationally and across all of its research areas. The website had to be easy for members to update their own content and easy to visitors to navigate. Farm Design is also responsible for the hosting and maintenance of the site.
Open AIR Annual Report 2019 is one of the six annual reports that Farm Design produced for this international organisation.
Since 2015, Farm Design has produced a number of publications for WWF South Africa dealing with renewable energy.
Shirin Elahi, a scenario’s architect and futurist, and Leila Varley launched Corset Economy – an economic theory and model for dealing with personal and business futures. Farm Design assisted the duo to visually illustrate an economy designed to squeeze the middle classes, and present the theory and solutions on their website.
This Black Sash guide, Social insurance in South Africa, is an important instrument to bring temporary or permanent relief to life changing shocks including unemployment; disability through work or road accidents; the death of an income earner and retirement. Read more…
UNICEF South Africa commissioned Farm Design to develop a series of publications for fundraising. Read more…
This publication aimed at Columbian SMEs focusses on e-commerce trading in the Canadian market. Read more…
This guide helps to raise awareness and understanding of intellectual property obligations and the importance of observing intellectual property rights. Intended for an industry audience, this guide also promotes opportunities for social and economic inclusion through the intellectual property system. This document is aimed at SMEs in Vietnam and is framed within the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). Read more…