ASK Justice is a southern Africa based initiative. It links law faculties at universities in South Africa, Botswana, Kenya and Uganda. The aim is to explore and teach the nexus between human rights and intellectual property.
ASK Justice seek to bring about positive change in intellectual property law and policy processes by:
- bringing the rights of access to medicines (A2M) and to knowledge onto the IP policy agenda;
- providing research-based evidence for policy-making and civil society campaigns; and
- building the knowledge base and next generation of scholars on the IP and human rights interface.
Farm Design’s first involvement in this project was to design a logo and visual identity that straddled two disciplines – Intellectual Property and Human Rights. The colour grading and the intersecting blue lines help in this respect.
To give a sense of place, the outline Africa was used as an image in the logo. Further, we developed a navigational icon with the four participating countries’ name on it. If content was particular to one of them, the name was made bigger and bolder.
The project produced three types of publications – Curriculum tools, Country reports, and Subject primers. A slight adjustment in the design for the covers differentiated between the publication types.
Farm Design was also responsible for creating the project’s website.